Translation-Navigator. English - German - French to Russian - Ukrainian

We specialize in translation of various materials into Russian and Ukrainian.

This includes all types of business and marketing, financial and legal documents, advertising copies, promotional materials, etc. We make every effort to serve our clients in full, i. e. handle all their translation, target language writing, DTP, web-design needs, etc. This becomes possible due to cooperation with specialists in certain areas (e.g. wireless communications, business, finances, telecommunications, medical equipment, engineering, etc.) as well as with technical specialists.

Our specializations are rather versatile due to diverse specializations and experience of our in-house translators. Any specific assignment in any of the below mentioned domains is handled by a specifically assigned translator having necessary skills and knowledge in this particular domain.

Our specializations:

Economics, Financial / Banking translation
Marketing / Advertising / Market research translation
Legal translation, document translation
International development and cooperation translation
Government / Politics translation
Engineering / Technical translation
Construction / Civil engineering translation
Metallurgy translation / Casting translation
Automotive industry translation
IT, Computers / Computer systems/Networks translation
Telecommunications translation
Shipping translation / Transportation translation
Household appliances / Office equipment translation
Gambling translation / Casino translation / Betting industry translation
Medical translation
Energy & Power Translation
We are ready to provide any additional information and answer all your questions on request

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© Translation-Navigator since 1998